Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

5 words in 5 sentences made

1.singing from the same hymn sheet.
If people are singing from the same hymn sheet, they are expressing the same opinions in public.

2.talk the talk, walk the walk

In each of our jobs are in demand to talk the talk, walk the walk in order to complete a job perfect results.

3.the elephant in the room
Do not see the narrow room because the room is sometimes born of a mind like a word the elephant in the room.

4.pass the monkey
If employees don’t develop the understanding that they are empowered to do what they can with the freedom that provides, they will always ‘pass the monkey’ back to the manager.

5.All hand to deck
The demo is currently much in the provocateur by side - for the benefit of their particular party, after a riot provocateurs hiding much like the word ' all hand to deck'

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Your first exprience dealing with english

the first time in dealing with English when I started college, I have trouble remembering vocabulary. What else other vocabulary is rarely used in everyday

mean :

pertama kalinya dalam berurusan dengan bahasa Inggris ketika saya mulai kuliah, saya mengalami kesulitan mengingat kosa kata. Apa lagi kosa kata lain jarang digunakan dalam sehari-hari

Obstacle in Learning english

Is an obstacle in learning English because I do not understand what kind of sentence or word changes between past and future